The impact of column name and status name change on exported board data and precise of metrics
Spike -- Analyse the impact on exported board data and precise of metrics when we change columns and statuses name
Section titled Spike -- Analyse the impact on exported board data and precise of metrics when we change columns and statuses nameContext
Section titled ContextCurrently, our practice is using the card’s status change history to calculate its duration in each status.This historical data is crucial for accurately measuring the time spent in each status.
Section titled Scenarios1. If we modify the workflow to change the column name, what is the impact on exported board data?
Section titled 1. If we modify the workflow to change the column name, what is the impact on exported board data?If we only change the board setting: column name, there are no implications to export board data and calculation of the metrics.
2. If we modify the workflow to change the status name, what is the impact on exported board data?
Section titled 2. If we modify the workflow to change the status name, what is the impact on exported board data?If we modify our workflow to change the status name, the export board data and precision of metrics will be influenced.
Here is an example that simply illustrate this situation:
We change the status name in our workflow and there are some cards in this status. As depicted in the picture below, we undergo a name change: Gong to do
-> Going to do next
This change is only regarding board setting, so any changes made to the status name will not be reflected in the history of the associated cards.
As depicted in the above image, the status name has been changed to
Going to do next
. But the history records of the related cards do not indicate this transition.
2.1 Issues caused by this scenario
Section titled 2.1 Issues caused by this scenario-
Status name has been changed but when we calculate time spent in this status, it will put this time to previous status name.
The accuracy of status duration will be compromised as a result, consequently impacting the calculation of days for mapping multiple statuses to states. Days in board data affected:
Analysis Days
In Dev Days
Waiting Days
Testing Days
Block Days
Review Days
2.2 Solution to solve this issue
Section titled 2.2 Solution to solve this issue-
Try to avoid change status name when there are cards in this status.
Refactor code using id of status to calculate the duration in each status.