Refinement on generate report
Section titled ContextConsidering there are some constrains that API call could not longer than 59 seconds from M Account, we have to re-fine our implementation by changing sync call to async.
While it’s not easy to make it at a once, we will do it step by step. Below are the design including C2 design with
- Transition
Section titled DesignC2 - Generate report - AS-IS
Section titled C2 - Generate report - AS-ISSequence Diagram
Section titled Sequence DiagramC2 - Generate report - Transition
Section titled C2 - Generate report - TransitionSequence Diagram
Section titled Sequence DiagramAPI Design
Section titled API Design- Accepted generate report API
Method POST
URI: /api/v1/reports
Request payload:
202 Accepted
"callbackUrl": "/api/v1/reports/{reportId}",
"interval": 10
- Callback generate report API
Method GET
URI: /api/v1/reports/{reportId}
"status": 204,
"status": 201,
Exception Table
status | message | hintInfo |
401 | Failed to get BuildKite info_status: 401… | Token is incorrect |
Failed to get GitHub info_status: 401… | ||
Failed to get Jira info_status: 401… | ||
403 | Failed to get BuildKite info_status: 403… | Permission deny |
Failed to get GitHub info_status: 403… | ||
Failed to get Jira info_status: 403… | ||
404 | Failed to get BuildKite info_status: 404… | Not found |
Failed to get GitHub info_status: 404… | ||
Failed to get Jira info_status: 404… | ||
500 | Report time expires | Failed to generate report |
Failed to write report file | ||
Failed to convert to report response | ||
503 | Failed to get BuildKite info_status: 503… | Service unavailable |
Failed to get GitHub info_status: 503… | ||
Failed to get Jira info_status: 503… |
C2 - Generate report - TO-BE
Section titled C2 - Generate report - TO-BESequence Diagram
Section titled Sequence DiagramAPI Design
Section titled API Design- Async generate board report
POST /reports/{board}
Request payload:
"considerHoliday": true,
"startTime": "string",
"endTime": "string",
"metrics": [
"jiraBoardSetting": {
"type": "string",
"token": "string",
"site": "string",
"projectKey": "string",
"boardId": "string",
"doneColumn": [
"boardColumns": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"treatFlagCardAsBlock": true,
"users": [
"assigneeFilter": "string",
"targetFields": [
"key": "string",
"name": "string",
"flag": true
"csvTimeStamp": "string"
202 Accepted
"callbackUrl": "string",
"interval": 0
- Async generate dora report
POST /reports/{dora}
Request payload:
"considerHoliday": true,
"startTime": "string",
"endTime": "string",
"metrics": [
"buildKiteSetting": {
"type": "string",
"token": "string",
"deploymentEnvList": [
"orgId": "string",
"orgName": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"step": "string",
"repository": "string",
"branches": [
"pipelineCrews": [
"codebaseSetting": {
"type": "string",
"token": "string",
"leadTime": [
"orgId": "string",
"orgName": "string",
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"step": "string",
"repository": "string",
"branches": [
"csvTimeStamp": "string"
202 Accepted
"callbackUrl": "string",
"interval": 0
- Callback to retrieve reports
GET /reports/{reportId}
204 No Content
201 Created
"velocity": {
"velocityForSP": 0,
"velocityForCards": 0
} <could be null if not required>,
"classificationList": [
"fieldName": "string",
"pairList": [
"name": "string",
"value": 0
] <could be null if not required>,
"cycleTime": {
"totalTimeForCards": 0,
"averageCycleTimePerCard": 0,
"averageCycleTimePerSP": 0,
"swimlaneList": [
"optionalItemName": "string",
"averageTimeForSP": 0,
"averageTimeForCards": 0,
"totalTime": 0
} <could be null if not required>,
"deploymentFrequency": {
"avgDeploymentFrequency": {
"name": "string",
"deploymentFrequency": 0
"deploymentFrequencyOfPipelines": [
"name": "string",
"step": "string",
"deploymentFrequency": 0,
"dailyDeploymentCounts": [
"date": "string",
"count": 0
} <could be null if not required>,
"changeFailureRate": {
"avgChangeFailureRate": {
"name": "string",
"totalTimes": 0,
"totalFailedTimes": 0,
"failureRate": 0
} <could be null if not required>,
"changeFailureRateOfPipelines": [
"name": "string",
"step": "string",
"failedTimesOfPipeline": 0,
"totalTimesOfPipeline": 0,
"failureRate": 0
} <could be null if not required>,
"meanTimeToRecovery": {
"avgMeanTimeToRecovery": {
"name": "string",
"timeToRecovery": 0
"meanTimeRecoveryPipelines": [
"timeToRecovery": 0,
"name": "string",
"step": "string"
} <could be null if not required>,
"leadTimeForChanges": {
"leadTimeForChangesOfPipelines": [
"name": "string",
"step": "string",
"prLeadTime": 0,
"pipelineLeadTime": 0,
"totalDelayTime": 0
"avgLeadTimeForChanges": {
"name": "string",
"prLeadTime": 0,
"pipelineLeadTime": 0,
"totalDelayTime": 0
} <could be null if not required>,
"reportMetricsError": {
"boardMetricsError": {
"status": 400,
"errorMessage": "string"
"pipelineMetricsError": {
"status": 400,
"errorMessage": "string"
"sourceControlMetricsError": {
"status": 400,
"errorMessage": "string"
} <could be null if not required>,
"boardMetricsCompleted": boolean <default is false>,
"doraMetricsCompleted": boolean <default is false>,
"allMetricsCompleted": boolean <default is false>,
"exportValidityTime": 0