Error handle
Section titled FeignClientUse decoder to handle FeignClient exception.
Section titled Common- 401: Token is incorrect
- 404: 404 Not Found
- 503: Service Unavailable
- 5xx: Server Error
- 4xx: Client Error
Section titled GitHub- 403: GitHub api rate limit
Config Page
Section titled Config PageBoard
Section titled Board- 204: Sorry there is no card has been done, please change your collection date!
- 400: Jira verify failed: Please reconfirm the input
- 401: Jira verify failed: Token is incorrect
- 404: Jira verify failed: 404 Not Found
- 503: Jira verify failed: Service Unavailable
Pipeline Tool
Section titled Pipeline Tool- 401: BuildKite verify failed: Token is incorrect
- 403: BuildKite verify failed: Permission denied
- 404: BuildKite verify failed: 404 Not Found
- 503: BuildKite verify failed: Service Unavailable
Source Control
Section titled Source Control- 401: GitHub verify failed: Token is incorrect
- 404: BuildKite verify failed: 404 Not Found
- 503: BuildKite verify failed: Service Unavailable
Metrics Page
Section titled Metrics PageGet steps
Section titled Get steps- 204: There is no step during this period for this pipeline! Please change the search time in the Config page! ( empty step)
Report Page
Section titled Report PageGenerate report
Section titled Generate report- 500: Internal Server Error
- 403: GitHub verify failed: GitHub api rate limit
Export report
Section titled Export report- 500: failed to export csv: Internal Server Error
Error format
Section titled Error formatClass: RestApiErrorResponse
"status": 500,
"errorMessage": "XXX",
"hintInfo": "XXX"
Section titled Before{
"message": "Request failed with status statusCode 401, error: Client Error"
"timestamp": "2023-06-09T06:47:39.443+00:00",
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"path": "/api/v1/reports"
"message": "Request failed with status code 401, error: [401 Unauthorized] during [GET] to [] [GitHubFeignClient#getAllRepos(String)]: [{\"message\":\"Bad credentials\",\"documentation_url\":\"\"}]"